MRM Fertility Support Group: You Are Not Alone… We Support You!
MRM’s Fertility Support Group is a pillar of our personalized care mission. Although at times it may seem you are the only one experiencing issues creating barriers to having the family you have envisioned, rest assured this is far from true. Many others are currently experiencing or have experienced the same emotional journey. Our monthly patient-led fertility support group (led by our former patients) is a wonderful setting for you to listen to others share their journey. Often, our patients will come to share their stories of success. Their consistent ‘secret sauce’ to success is persistence and strong inner constitution needed to realize their dreams of having children. There really is hope!
No one quite knows what you are going through unless they themselves have walked the same path. It takes a lot of courage to leave your routine on a Friday evening and join with others sharing their very personal feelings, fears, hopes and successes. One of the most frequent laments for women is having started their quest to have children later in their reproductive years. Meeting the right life partner later than expected or deferring family building due to career pursuits are frequently shared challenges that can be overcome. A common regret for men is deferring fertility testing by semen analysis. Awareness of simple, straightforward diagnostic fertility screening tests empowers women and men to be proactive in their pursuit of having children. Our fertility support group has inspired and motivated so many to persist in their efforts and has led to many successes that otherwise would be less likely to have happened.
We often invite specialists such as urologists for male infertility, integrative medicine experts specializing in acupuncture, herbal and naturopathic interventions, Reike and massage; even yoga sessions! Our physicians routinely attend our meetings as well, and we have appetizers and various refreshments.
We meet one Friday evening each month from 7pm to 9pm. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. That’s where the most meaningful discoveries can be embraced. Many of our patients have made lifelong friends through our support group meetings. Visit our Support Group page to confirm your attendance for our next meeting. In confirming your attendance, you will receive email notification of when our support group meetings will be held each month. We would love to see you there.
Awesome Twyla !!! The Blog looks great.
Thanks so much, Pam!!!
thanks for the forum..Do you also discuss insurance options? the cost burden of IVF is huge & it will help to get perspective on how others are managing the process financially and the best option around