Strategies for Healthy Eating to Increase Fertility
Fertility is enhanced with healthy eating. We often try to eat better, but the truth of the matter is we are all creatures of habit. It is all too easy to fall back into our known behaviors. And who isn’t crazy busy with our careers and other life commitments? Implementing a healthy diet will work wonders for your mood, sleep cycles, metabolic, psychological, and reproductive health. When you eat right you feel right. Our body works the best when we provide it with the best fuel. We need to prepare our bodies not only to conceive but also for the marathon of pregnancy. Here are some strategies to help implement healthy eating into our busy schedules.
- Invest in a good set of food storage containers of various sizes.
- Plan healthy meals for the week and make a grocery list to have all the items you need on hand. Meet with our dietician to help you make the right choices.
- NEVER GO TO THE GROCERY STORE HUNGRY!! This sets you up to impulse buy unhealthy choices.
- Pick a day to make your meals for the week. For example: use Sunday evening as meal preparing and packaging night.
- Plan healthy balanced low carbohydrate/high protein meals.
- Try out new spices. Avoid using spice mixes high in salt. Mrs. Dash has an excellent line of healthy seasoning choices that will liven up your recipes.
- Make meals that freeze and thaw well. Healthy chili recipes and stews are some great choices.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Instead of using food to cope with stress, try alternative stress relievers such as Reiki therapy, healing touch, and massage.
Think of this new lifestyle as an adventure. Get family and co-workers on board. You would be surprised how many people want to eat better, but just need that friendly support to make it happen. Plus, everything is more fun when you have a buddy to do it with!!
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