Dr. Mersol-Barg (and his amazing staff — Diane and Melody in particular),
I’ve been anxiously awaiting the ability to write this letter to y’all and let all y’all know about the birth of our son! After one round of IVF in 2018 and four subsequent transfers later (plus five miscarriages and four years of infertility), Ari David was born via c-section January 29, 2020 at 9:47 am weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces and measuring 20.5” in length.
I can’t begin to put into words how grateful we are to what y’all have given us — even if that currently includes sleep deprivation on a level unbeknownst to either of us (and a house more cluttered than previously thought possible.) Ari is the beautiful gift that has culminated from four years of infertility and two solid years of dedicated treatment. Without your guidance and passion we wouldn’t be where we are today, and that is worth more to us than there are words to fully express it.
We both would love to bring him in to meet y’all, but I have reservations of doing so as I don’t want to upset any of the couples/women in treatment. I know it can be a good motivator to keep trying for many people and couples, but for others (like me) it hurt a lot to see others success. I guess I was hoping we could bring him in at a time when we run little risk of potentially upsetting anybody that might be there for their appointment? Also, I feel like I recall there being a yearly ice cream social or something like that for people to bring their little ones?
Anyways, I just wanted to express my love for each and every one of y’all and what you help people like us accomplish. Ari is truly a gift from every single one of y’all.
Ashley, Ross & Ari