Words cannot properly express the gratitude to you and your entire staff. After years of trying to start a family and spending lots of time and resources with another physician, we were feeling frustrated, confused and depleted. We were searching for answers online when we came across your website. We were extremely impressed by the knowledge, detailed process, and the passion you expressed for wanting to help people start and grow their family. We were right! From our first appointment with Dr. Mersol-Barg he shared the same sense of urgency and passion for us that we did to start a family. We learned more in one appointment with him than in the years prior. Through various treatments and office visits Dr. Mersol-Barg, every nurse, and the entire staff, made us feel like we were a part of their family. We had highs and lows during our journey. Everyone at MRM celebrated with us, hugged us and gave us hope when we needed it the most. We feel God placed MRM in our lives to bless us with our beautiful baby boy. We are forever grateful for your presence in our lives and walking this journey to create our family with us. We will never forget our experience and are forever grateful.
With the most sincere gratitude,
Kelly and Matt