Donna (Pascaretta),
I am grateful for the wonderful experience that I had at last night’s Michigan Reproductive Medicine support group. I am blown away that your patients are treated with such respect and shown such empathy. I learned so much and it really changed my perspective on this whole process.
I am so lucky that I crossed paths with your daughter as she was assisting NDIA at the Detroit Arsenal Organization Day. It seems so serendipitous that she reached out to you so quickly when I was asking for an high risk OBGYN referral from a co-worker that she was standing next to. I had no idea I would have such wonderful feelings following through on her lead which brought me to the support group last night. These are the connections that you just can’t explain in life.
I came home and excitingly told my husband about my experience. As we were talking, I asked him why MRM was not even on our radar as we were actively researching clinics. I missed this great opportunity to be a MRM patient because MRM’s Sart scores are not listed.
Please share with Dr. Mike that when he asked me if I saw the new website I answered him incorrectly by saying yes. The last time I looked at MRM’s website was in September when we first connected. I was not aware that the new website was launched recently until this morning. I was curious about why he asked and remember seeing flyers for the new website at the office so I checked it out again.
Wow, the new MRM website is striking, easy to use, informative, professional and inviting. It is well written and the client recommendations are genuine/meaningful.
Thank you for such a wonderful experience!
-Karen N.